Getting to the Heart of the Matter
A Special Gift for Someone Special
A gentleman got intouch with me with a smooth, found pebble from a beach that was extremely special to his partner and himself and would l transform it into a pendant.
Of course I would. What a lovely job to do!
He did want it as simple and classic as possible with all the emphasis being on the stone.
As we were quite sure of what was required we went strauight to the making, no need for a design drawing with this one!
The stone was sent off to our cutter who made the best heart shaped gemstone from the rough pebble he was sent.
The skill of a good stone cutter is to see before he starts the potential of what lies inside a rough stone.
We are able to work with all gemstones, not just pebbles from the beach.
Once I had the gemstone to work with, I made a simple but strong, sterling silver mount to hold the stone and to create the pendant.
I didnt want too much silver to show, so the eye is drawn to the heart.

The above pic shows the simple but strong frame to hold the gemstone heart securely.

The finished piece
What a transformation. Who knew what lurked within that very ordinary beach pebble.
We kept it simple but very wearable with the emphasis on the stone.
The customer was very pleased and so was his partner.
Please get intouch with any found objects you would like sympathetically transformed into something special.
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